Fuck Off Friday: Secrets!

Last week kicked off our Fuck Off Fridays, where we post internet time wasters for your Friday needs.

Today’s is about secrets.

First off, if you haven’t heard of Post Secret, gather several of your friends together to help you move out from under that giant rock. Offer them pizza and beer to lift the couch. Or bake them cookies.

Mmmmm... cookies....

Mmmmm… cookies….

Post Secret is an art project where people send in postcards with secrets on them, and the “secret currator” selects the best ones and puts them on the internet. Like the above secret.

Does that sound like too much work? Secret Tweet might be a better option for you… you post a secret on their website… HEY! Looks like they’ve been down since December. Huh. Guess some people are a little too lazy.

That’s okay- I’ve found some alternatives. Secret Talk looks like it wants to be a secrets website, but about half of it is spammy stuff or… well, kinda like an anonymous message board. But there are some good ones in there, so it might be worth a look.

Another alternative is Six Billion Secrets. It has a voting system so you can upvote your favorite secrets. It’s like an anonymous popularity contest.

Too hipster for secrets? Try Post Rejects, a satire site of Post Secret. It’s no longer updated, but what they have there is pretty clever, and we like clever.

So there you go. Plenty of ways for you to fuck off this Friday!