Seriously. For $32 you can spend a night at Coldtz Castle, famous for holding Allied soldiers who frequently tried to escape other POW camps in WWII.
Also, the story was on I played the game briefly and while I couldn’t find any comments specifically bashing Obama, there were plenty of comments along the lines of “Hey, liberturds! Nazi was short for Natonal SOCIALISM”.
Now it’s pretty obvious that this story is a perfect fit for a lot of jokes but I think something should be made very clear. This was a POW camp, not a concentration or extermination camp. While it would be easy to make holocaust jokes like –
* not wanting to step in the shower
* asking what the soap’s made out of
* calling the concierge “Himmler”
It would be historically inaccurate. While they do have less shock value, you can make WWII POW jokes while staying at the hotel like –
* Making up Geneva convention articles “According to article 33 of the Geneva convention, all guests are to receive free peanuts from the minibar!”
* Trying to escape through the series of tunnels under the castle to avoid paying the bill
* Calling the concierge “Col. Klink”
If you’re going to be culturally insensitive, you might as well get your facts straight.