This ol’ blog has seen a bit of a spike in views the last few days due to yesterday and Monday’s posts. I think I’m seeing the connection here. People like strong opinions. I need to hit the reader hard and fast without regard to who I may upset. With that in mind, this potato totally looks like a butt.
I know this might ruffle some feathers out there but I don’t care. It totally looks like a butt. When I posted a picture of it on facebook some people said it looks like tits, others said a pair of balls but they’re fucking wrong! It looks like a butt.
Some people might be offended that I posted a picture of a potato that looks so much like a butt that I may as well have just posted a picture of a butt but (butt butt!) you’re gonna piss some people off when you shoot from the hip like me. I’ve got opinions and I’m gonna share them, consequences be damned!
Come back tomorrow for even more controversy, fuckers!