I want to start this by saying I hate bachelorette parties. I hate them because I’m a comedian. At some awful point in history it was decided that going to a comedy club would become a bachelorette party tradition and everything was ruined forever.
Pretty much everything about them demands your attention. They’re loud, they show up drunk, they wear the shiniest, sparkliest, gaudiest things imaginable (sometimes with flashing lights), they usually have some sort of dildo on hand (I’ve seen everything from a penis squirt gun to a four foot tall inflatable penis) and they’re usually selling something for some reason (the most popular item is a bunch of shitty liquor store grade suckers scotch taped to a white tee shirt with the words “Suck For a Buck” written on the shirt in Sharpie). It seems like this would be the worst group to walk into a comedy show but most clubs actually encourage them to come because 8 girls paying admission and drinking pitcher after pitcher of daiquiris through penis straws means money for the club.
I don’t think you’ll ever find a comedian that loves to see a bachelorette party at their show but I digress. Last week my friend, comedian and professional cryptohumorologist Mike Brody was working at a club in Loughvulggh, KY when he was told that a bachelorette party would be running late and showing up in the middle of his set. He decided to pull a prank on them (shown below).
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6XhOrbTwFBE&w=420&h=345]
God bless you, Mike Brody.