I Am Totally Not Ready For Some Football.

With fall fast approaching and Football season ready to begin I seriously could not care less. I don’t even want to use up the energy it takes to google when football season starts. I never have given and never will give a shit about football (or any sport, really). That’s okay. I don’t look down upon people who do, I just can’t get into it. This makes having conversations with guys in the fall really difficult. Also, living in Uptown, Minneapolis, part of my lease agreement states that I can only enjoy non traditional sports ironically. Here’s a few hipster approved sports for all you uptown weirdos.


Nothing says “Take that, conventional sports!” like organizing a bunch of adults to play a game meant for children.  While this does have things that hipsters hate like running, throwing and kicking, it more than makes up for that with it’s encouragement of brightly colored uniforms and drinking during and after play.  Hell, most people only join kickball leagues so they can go to the bar with the rest of the team afterwards.


This one might seem like an odd choice because it’s physically more demanding, competitive and brutal than any other sport on the planet but this one is safe to follow for two reasons.

1.  It’s popular in Europe.

2.  Homosexuals love it.

That’s right.  The International Gay Rugby Association and Board or “IGRAB” has over 20 teams in the USA alone.   Supporting alternative lifestyle and alternative sports at the same time?  Sign me up!



Okay, I honestly thought of this one as a joke and then I looked it up.  People actually play that sport from Harry Potter. Wow. The U of M actually has a team.

Below is a list of things that you can get a bunch of friends to do with you and as long as you make jerseys for yourselves, it’s a hipster sport!

Potato Sack Racing
Freeze Tag
Tree Climbing
Staring Contest
Double Dutch
snowball fight
Competitive Truth or Dare
