So I just last week heard of the weird internet craze of planking where you get a photo of you lying rigid (like a plank) on some awkward surface
and now I hear Planking is over. It’s all about Owling now
Goddamnit! It’s fourth grade all over again where I’m wearing slap bracelets and everybody has already moved onto pogs.
Even worse, Access Hollywood has tried to start a new trend of Lamping (Note: The link is to a yahoo morning wacky news clip show. It’s horribly written and performed and the link is here only to prove that Lamping exists. Only click on it if you’re looking to cringe, like, 20 times in three minutes) where you wear a lampshade on your head.
I need to make up some of my own fad meta comedy photo trends if I’m going to be relevant here. How about –
Thinking: Strip naked, cover yourself in quick dry cement and pose like you’re Rodin’s Thinker
Cooking: Grab a microphone and crouch real low like you’re going to say something important but then say nothing of importance like Dane Cook
Fountaining. Fill your mouth up with water and take a picture of you spitting out a steady stream like a fountain.
Feel free to leave a comment with any other ideas for stupid picture games!