I Have No Opinion on the Casey Anthony Verdict

I was hoping to do a blog today on some random news piece because those are pretty easy but it’s hard to find any news today that doesn’t have to do with the Casey Anthony trial.   I can’t really do much with that because it’s a little hard (not impossible) to mine comedy from dead children.  Also, I know nothing about the whole Casey Anthony trial. 

Seriously.  I can’t be sure what happened.  I wasn’t present when it happened and I’m not one of the police who investigated the crime.  I didn’t hear everybody’s testimony and didn’t see all of the evidence.  The only real information I have is fed to me through media outlets which, this is going to sound really paranoid of me, seem to be sensaionalizing the whole thing for some reason. 

Don’t get me wrong, I’d love to join in the chorous of “Fry the bitch!” but I just don’t feel that I’m well enough informed on the issue.  Oh, how I wish I was standing outside the courtroom with hand painted posterboard or on facebook, posting that I hope she gets shivved in prison but I don’t have enough information to form an honest opinion. 

If only I was Nancy Grace I could say things like “As the defense sits by and has their champagne toast after that not guilty verdict, somewhere out there the devil is dancing tonight.” when in all reality I can’t be sure on what happened. 

The only thing I can be certain of is that we, as a naiton, need to put all this behind us so news stories like those steaks made of poop can get some headline space becuse I have a blog to write, people.