24,000 Pages of Palin Emails? That’s Nearly 25,000 Words!

The State of Alaska is going to release 24,000 pages of emails sent when she was Governor of Alaska. Seeing as she was governor for only three years, people are speculating as to what could possibly take up over 24,000 pages. I had a chance to look over them and can tell you it’s not just a bunch of chain mail forwards (although they do take up about 60% of the whole thing). Here’s a few samples.


From: “Gov. Sarah Palin” <youbetcha@state.al.us>

To:  “Lt. Gov. Parnell” <bidingmytime@yahoo.com

Subject:  That darn oil.

Hey, Sean.  I was watchin’ that old show The Beverly Hilbillies and in the opening that Jed fella just shot his ol’ musket in the ground when some oil started shooting out!  Well I got the idea that we got oil hiding in that there wildlife refuge but people don’t want us drillin’ so I’m just gonna hop on down and start shooting at the ground and see if any of that “bubblin’ crude” comes out!  Wish me luck!


From: “Gov. Sarah Palin” <youbetcha@state.al.us>

To:  “Todd Palin” <hunkyfisherman69@aol.com>

Subject:  Gonna be home late.

Sorry, babe, but I saw a wolf out my window and now I gotta hop in a helicopter to hunt it down.  Once I find that li’l feller I’ll eat his heart to gain his power.  Then mama bear will bring the rest of his mangled carcass back to you and the cubs!  Keep a light on for me!


From:  “Gov. Sarah Palin” <youbetcha@state.al.us>

To:  “Walt Monegan” <pscommisioner@state.al.us>





Seriously, though.  Most of it is just pictures of cats and fundraisers to help out with Bristol’s high school “chastity cotillion”.