Jesus Christ Glenn Beck Shut the Fuck Up.

Let me just start by saying I’m incredibly biased. I’m quite liberal and my goal is not to bring you information objectively. I’m not a journalist. Neither is Glenn Beck.

With that out of the way, Glenn Beck is starting his own online subscription based network because Fox News is just way too tame for him. He states it will be like “nothing you’ve ever seen on the internet” unless you’ve already seen Goatse.

On his new site Beck can really cut loose and call the President a white culture hating fascist without worrying about sponsors pussying out and not giving him money because he’s an awful human being. Just him and his subscribers telling it like it is. Dubbed GBTV (which hilariously sounds similar to GLBT), it won’t only have news but “fake news” with a “libertarian host to rival John Stewart and Stephen Colbert” because conservative leaning news satire is always hilarious (see The Half Hour News Hour. Actually, don’t see it. It was awful).

Frankly, I couldn’t be happier. Having his own pay-to-play site is one step below youtube celebrity. He’s basically entering a self imposed exile and taking only his most loyal yes-men with him.

The best part is now if I start talking to someone and they say they subscribe to GBTV, I can just walk away from the conversation without having to hear another word.