Sarah Palin 2012 or: The Mayan Prophecy Fulfilled.

Sarah Palin recently said she has a fire in her belly to run for President next year. Given that her biggest competition isTim Pawlenty, she actually has a pretty good shot at winning the nomination.

Frankly, I think it’s safe to say she has no chance of winning. Her only political experience is governing a state with less than a million people (The entire US population is nearly triple that, she might not be up for the job). She’s constantly saying incredibly stupid things (click to see a list of the top ten dumb things she’s said) and I’m pretty sure the second she’s in office she’ll appoint the surviving cast of Red Dawn to her cabinet and start a war with Russia.

While it’s pretty obvious that Sarah Palin is a bad choice, the Republican party can still win next year and still nominate a woman. I suggest adult film star Lisa Ann (don’t worry, you can click. It’s only her wikipedia page). You may remember Lisa Ann as the “actress” who starred in the biopic “Who’s Nailin’ Paylin?” (answer: everybody). While she may not have the political experience of her non-pornographic doppelganger she shares all of Sarah Palin’s good qualities (physically attractive) and as a small business owner (She ran a “talent” agency for two years) she’s bound to win over the Tea Party in no time. She can’t be any dumber than the real Sarah Palin and while right wing porn addicts fruitlessly search the internet for a Palin sex tape, Ms. Ann has hundreds (also safe to click, just her IMDB page) available.

So please, republicans, nominate Lisa Ann for the 2012 presidential candidacy because it’s literally no more ridiculous than your other front runners.