Memorial Day was yesterday and that meant three things in America. Honoring soldiers that have fallen in battle defending our country, furniture liquidation sales and Westboro Baptist Church loading up their vans with protest signs and being the biggest assholes in the Universe.
This year they went down to the Arlington National Cemetery to one again claim they speak on God’s behalf. They were met, as usual, with a counter protest of people showing their love and support of the troops. This counter protest, however, was a little different as CNN reported members of the KKK were part of the counter protest.
When the KKK says you’re being shameful, you’re doing something wrong.
The WBC fired back by stating the KKK has “No moral authority on anything”.
While both packs of stupid assholes certainly make good points about the other party being stupid assholes, I think there’s only one way to settle this. Family Feud! Top 100 answers on the board, why are you guys such douchebags?
5. Uncle touched me in the no-no.
4. Huffed paint. Lots of paint was huffed.
3. Mom smoked while pregnant. And drank. And participated in gut punching contests.
2. Paralyzing fear of anything different than me.
1. Generations upon generations of inbreeding.
Winning family gets a year’s supply of Turtle Wax! Both families get free membership into the Voluntary Extinction Movement!